An overall assessment for both services. This is is the percentage of children practicing spiritual disciplines like reading their Bible, spending time with God, sharing their faith, serving, etc., as evidenced in Participation in class, Love Call Feedback, I-Think Time and Rewards.
(Write N/A If Not Applicable. As demonstrated during Storytelling, sword drills, etc. during first service only)
Include number, details & follow-up (first service only) Type 'None' if not applicable.
Briefly explain. Include the name of child and caregiver(s), time the incident occurred, witnesses and the actions taken).
Overall preparedness for this week- 1st and 2nd service. (Percentage of teammates who attended review and clearly understand the month’s theme as demonstrated by knowledge of this week’s objective, jump start, memory verse, songs, etc.)
Percentage of teammates actively practicing spiritual disciplines like reading their Bible, spending time with God, sharing their faith, serving faithfully, showing signs of spiritual growth, etc.
(Details of any major needs/events/celebrations. Also, include any actions you have taken.)